Limbaugh reveals BIGGER scandal from correspondents’ dinner
Rush says it’s far worse than ‘not funny hatefest’ by Michelle Wolf
Rush Limbaugh Monday revealed the “real ‘scandal’” of the weekend’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner – not the “horrible and crude, not funny hatefest conducted by so-called comedienne.”
Monday’s reports were filled with reaction to Michelle Wolf’s diatribe at Saturday night’s event. But that’s not the real scandal, Limbaugh said.
The real one is that the White House Correspondents’ Association honored CNN and a couple of its reporters for writing about the Steele “dossier” last year. That’s the political opposition research document of unverified claims about President Trump.
It was used by Obama supporters in the Department of Justice to launch investigations into alleged “Russian collusion,” including the special counsel probe by Robert Mueller, which has found no evidence of collusion.
“The real news of the evening is that the White House Correspondents’ Dinner Association gave reporters Jake Tapper, Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez, and Carl Bernstein an award for their January 10th, 2017, report on the Steele dossier,” Limbaugh said.
“You know the story. Hillary Clinton, as in a work of art, commissions this thing as opposition research. She hires Fusion GPS, which then hires a law firm to make the payment to wash the money so that it’s not traceable back to Clinton. And they hire this Christopher Steele guy to go out and make up a bunch of garbage about Trump for the express purpose of using it as so-called legitimate intelligence on Trump that is designed to drive down public opinion on Trump so as to make it easy to get rid of him!” he said.
“So the White House Correspondents’ Dinner Association gave Jake Tapper, Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez with be and Carl Bernstein an award for their January 10th report on the dossier, 2017. Now, we now know, folks, that their report was nothing but dictation from James Clapper.”
Clapper at the time was director of national intelligence for Obama.
Limbaugh described him as “a left-wing hack. He is a partisan hack.”
The reporters “knew what they thought they knew” simply because Clapper leaked it to them, he said.
Rush Limbaugh
“Worse than that, it was all part of a calculated setup to give CNN a news hook so that they could start reporting on the Steele dossier and make it public. The Steele dossier had been known for months. It was floating around Washington, and everybody knew what it was. And everybody knew that it was unverified, uncorroborated. Everybody in the media knew that none of it could be established to have happened, none of it could be proved, none of it could be verified. But the media wanted it in the public domain,” Limbaugh explained.
“How to do that? CNN needed a news hook. A news hook is a reason to report on it aside from its contents. You couldn’t report on the details ’cause none of it was verified. So they needed a way to get this thing known by the American people. The way this happened, James Clapper essentially told Comey to go brief Trump on the existence of the dossier.”
Comey does Clapper’s bidding, Limbaugh said, and Clapper “leaks to CNN” that the briefing has taken place.
Of course, he pointed out, Clapper had to lie about tipping off CNN, and got caught, and then after President Trump was sworn in, CNN hired Clapper.
“It’s that January 10th story after Comey informed Trump and Clapper leaks to CNN that Comey’s told Trump, the White House Correspondents’ Association gives four reporters at CNN the big award of the year for uncovering a gigantic news story involving the Trump dossier.”
He charged: “This whole thing was a setup. When you look at the timeline of things that happened, it is obvious to anybody with even half a brain that Comey briefing Trump on the dossier was a setup designed – and set up by Clapper – designed to get the dossier into so-called mainstream news cycles, thereby bringing it to life.
“This is like giving an award to a stenographer taking dictation, because that’s exactly what these reporters did,” Limbaugh said.
And he noted the 253-page House Intelligence Committee report on the issue found “Clapper not only leaked information about the infamous Steele dossier and high-level government briefings about it to CNN … he also may have lied to Congress about the matter.”
What makes it the “real scandal,” he said is that there is “no scandalous information about President Trump!”
“To this day the dossier remains unverified and uncorroborated. There’s not a word of truth in it.”