A Little Faith Lift…Finding Joy Beyond Rejection

Fort Scott, KS, August 4, 2024— If you are breathing, you probably have been the target of someone’s “You’re just not good enough” arrow.  This message, resonating from parents, teachers, coaches, bosses, spouses, friends and enemies, convinces us there’s always someone smarter, prettier, thinner, wealthier, holier, or (you fill in the blank). This author lived in that world for far too many years.

The stories in A Little Faith Lift (including the high school teens Patty taught) prove that buying into the negative opinions of others who, ironically, have bought into that same mindset, is a problem that transcends age.

That mentality is from Satan who wants us to focus on our unworthiness instead of our position as daughters of a King. Thankfully, in God’s kingdom, there are no rejects… and this is the clincher—EVEN THOUGH WE AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH!

Patty says, “This truth seems to escape most Christians. They know there should be more to their spiritual journey, and they feel frustrated that the majority of the time they feel inadequate or fearful, even to the point of not venturing far from their pew for their church Greet-Your-Neighbor time.” A Little Faith Lift addresses the masks Christians wear that prevent them from being real. Through anecdotal humor, inspiration and Biblical principles, Patty encourages her readers to realize that God is the audience that counts.

A Little Faith Lift (ISBN 978-1-954437-83-8, $14.99; ebook, $4.99; 267 pages, Christian humor/Spiritual Growth) from Carpenter’s Son Publishing, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever fine books are sold.


Patty, a wife, mother and greatgrandmother, has spent forty-five of her fifty years of marriage in the world of professional baseball.  A retired teacher, Patty speaks professionally and writes a weekly, Christian column for area newspapers. She is certified to speak on the evils of sex trafficking and has presented a Tedx Talk on the “Rewards of Rejection.”

Her first book, A Little Faith Lift…Finding Joy Beyond Rejection, addresses how laughter covers a multitude of humiliating experiences.  She should know.

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