Bringing America Back to LIFE

By: Tony Perkins

Only weeks ago, pro-life advocates received a huge surprise: a court case that will likely shape many public policy debates over the next year.

Earlier this summer, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to take up the pivotal case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization — the most consequential abortion case in 30 years.

An abortion facility with a long record of health and safety violations, Jackson Women’s Health is challenging a 2018 Mississippi state law that bans abortion after 15 weeks development in the womb.

“Advances in medical and scientific technology… have greatly expanded our knowledge of prenatal life,” wrote Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch in defense of her state’s law. “America cannot be a human, civilized society if its courts preclude lawmakers from imposing reasonable limits on the taking of innocent life.”

For decades, Family Research Council and our pro-life allies have advocated for the human dignity of the child in the womb. Our policy experts and grassroots team nationwide are making the pro-life case in the halls of government, in the media, and with our neighbors.

We need your help at this critical hour. Can you give a generous gift to support FRC’s crucial work of education and mobilization FOR LIFE?


On FRC’s national Washington Watch program, I recently welcomed former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant (R), who signed the law being challenged back in 2018.

“We talk about ‘listening to the science,'” said Governor Bryant. “And that’s exactly what we should be doing here.”

He continued: “We should be listening to the fact that a child feels pain as early as 15 weeks. We should be listening to the fact that there’s a greater risk to the mother during an abortion after the first trimester. Science is on our side.”

If the Supreme Court rules to overturn Roe in this case, states will finally have the opportunity to secure the right to life and liberty for the child in the womb. This is the factual analysis Americans need to hear, and FRC is delivering it to citizens across the nation every day.

By taking this case, the Court’s newest members — and some stalwart conservatives like Justice Clarence Thomas — seem to be signaling they are ready to make a major change in the law.

Just last year, Justice Thomas wrote: “Our abortion precedents are grievously wrong and should be overruled.”

As this vital case reaches the nation’s highest court, the Left is scared. “This could be the case that takes down Roe v. Wade,” fretted one CNN headline.

With constitutionalist justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett seated on the Supreme Court, they actually might be right. What an opportunity to put a stop to the Left’s moral anarchy in the place where it began!

Bryan, we need you to help us speak truth to power — in the courts and in the media. Please click below to stand with us through your generous gift today!


Headlines today echo God’s words in Deuteronomy 30:19: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live.”

Will we choose life or death?

I urge you to read FRC’s daily Update emails and tune into our Washington Watch and Pray Vote Stand broadcasts as the issues of this case are debated, so that you can pray with full knowledge of current events.

Also, I thank you in advance for your faithful partnership as we at FRC carry out a multi-faceted strategy to save lives in this pivotal moment. It’s only possible with your supportLet’s bring America back to life!


P.S. – Nearly 50 years since the Supreme Court handed down its Roe v. Wade decision, abortion-on-demand remains the greatest moral stain on our nation. As pro-life advocates, we must band together in this hour in prayer — and in united action. Please do not delay in replying with your best gift!