Your donations will also allow us to provide the following:
1. Provide scholarships, for the hurting women and men, to attend our In the Wildflowers/Into My Arms Groups. Attending the Groups will them a chance of having a normal and fulfilled life.
A $300 Scholarship will:
- Allow one person to attend a 10-Week Group Session.
- Provide a Participant Workbook.
2. Provide a Spanish translation of our In the Wildflowers program. The need for this translation has become overwhelming.
$7,500.00 will provide the following:
- Translate both the Leader’s Guide and the Participant Workbook.
- Add sub-titles to our ten-week video series.
3. Provide a DVD series with curriculum, Shattered & Restored, to Homes for those who have escaped Human Trafficking. These Homes are crying out for ourShattered & Restored Program.
$70,000 will provide the following:
- Writing and editing the curriculum.
- Printing of the completed curriculum.