Following the Money in Macedonia


January 31, 2017

Following the Money in Macedonia
What would Open Society Foundation (OSF) president and fund manager George Soros want with the small, landlocked nation of Macedonia? As it turns out, plenty. The Daddy Warbucks of progressive causes is working overtime to weaken European borders and facilitate the flow of refugees from the Middle East by sending money to disrupt nations holding both democratic elections and cracking down on illegal immigration.
Trimming the Fat in Washington
Joni Ernst, the Republican junior senator from Iowa came to Washington, D.C. with a promise to apply her pork-cutting skills to wasteful spending. Just ahead of Friday’s March for Life, she announced that Planned Parenthood’s war chest was next to get slashed.
A Storied Institution Falls to Social Pressure
On Monday, one of the largest youth organizations in the U.S., with a whopping 2 million members, capitulated once again to the demands of a small but vocal minority. The Boys Scouts of America (BSA) announced yesterday that it will allow biological female children who identify as boys to enroll in its boys only programs.
Trump Must Protect Religious Liberty
The White House announced last night that they would not reverse a 2014 executive order by President Obama and an earlier order which required federal contractors to give special employment rights to people based upon their identification as LGBTQ.

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers. | Print Friendly

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