American Minute
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” -Edmund Burke, on the French Revolution
American Minute with Bill Federer Edmund Burke is considered the most influential orator in the British House of Commons in the 18th century. Born January […]
American Minute with Bill Federer
He intentionally fired into the air, but his political rival, the sitting Vice-President Aaron Burr, took deadly aim and fatally shot Alexander Hamilton in a […]
Feds forced 17,000 from homes, TRAIL OF TEARS-marched them to Oklahoma!
American Minute with Bill Federer Feds forced 17,000 from homes, TRAIL OF TEARS-marched them to Oklahoma! Gold had been discovered in Georgia in 1828, resulting […]
Mark Twain “Mohammedans…thirst for blood…in a short time 25,000 more Christians were massacred.”
American Minute with Bill Federer Mark Twain “Mohammedans…thirst for blood…in a short time 25,000 more Christians were massacred.” “Mark Twain,” a river measurement meaning 12-feet-deep, […]
“Oh, how precious is time … Oh, that God would make me more fruitful.”-David Brainerd, Missionary to Indians
American Minute with Bill Federer “Oh, how precious is time … Oh, that God would make me more fruitful.”-David Brainerd, Missionary to Indians Born in […]
PATRIOTS DAY “The great object is, that every man be armed”-Patrick Henry
American Minute with Bill Federer PATRIOTS DAY “The great object is, that every man be armed”-Patrick Henry The sun never set on the British Empire. […]