In an interview today with Watchmen Broadcasting Television Network in Augusta, SC, international Christian broadcaster and journalist Earl Cox refuted the statement made recently by Jibril Rajoub, a senior Palestinian leader and Fatah official who said that moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would be an insult to Muslims and Christians. In the interview Cox said this is a total misrepresentation of the Christian perspective and that nothing could be further from the truth. “The fact of the matter is,” said Cox, “Bible believing Christians from all over the world recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and fully support President Trump and they celebrate his commitment to fulfill his promise to the American people making the embassy move a reality.”
According to Cox who is widely known as ‘the voice of Israel to America,’ Christians who are obedient to the word of God believe that God Himself made an eternal covenant with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and not Ishmael or Mohammed. “Until the Arab world recognizes Israel and her capital as Jerusalem, peace will never be achieved and a two-state solution an impossibility.” Cox went on to say that, “It is not the Arab community as a whole that objects to Jerusalem as Israel’s capital but rather it is mainly the Arab leaders who want to keep tensions high by promulgating lies to their people in order to fuel hatred and incite acts of violence with an end goal of eradicating the Jews.” Cox said those Arabs he knows who live and work in Israel are perfectly content with the status quo as they enjoy the same rights and privileges as Jewish Israeli citizens. “Only when radical Islamic terrorism is put down and hatred of Jews is replaced with a genuine desire for peace will peace be achieved. Until that happens,” he said, “Israel must have defensible borders like every other country in the world, including the United States, and that dividing Israel will not achieve that goal.”
Earl Cox, who served in senior level positions with four U.S. presidents, is an international Christian broadcaster and journalist whose articles appear in major magazines and newspapers and whose pro-Israel daily television and radio commentaries are aired around the world.