REVEALED: UN is ‘terrified’ of Trump presidency: official

AMERICAN NEWS  Aug 29, 2024

“I mean, we are terrified. They’re terrified.” Paoletti also stated that “Absolutely nobody wants Trump.”

On Thursday, Louder with Crowder’s MugClub Undercover unit released a video featuring Jorge Paoletti, an associate legal officer, treaty section, of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, discussing with an undercover reporter how the UN is “terrified” of a second trump term and how globalism is “absolutely” a goal of the international organization.

“One of the defining features of this MAGA movement is the ultranationalism. It’s a movement that is deeply nationalistic. It’s American first, Make America Great Again, America, America, America, we hate immigrants, we hate everybody that is not us, that doesn’t think like us, look like us, right? That’s the central element. And one of the main enemies are what they call the globalists. I’m the definition of a globalist,” Paoletti said. “I’m not sure the United Nations as an institution is going to survive a second term by Donald Trump.” (QR code below for article)

Asked to explain why he thought that, he said, “because the purpose of Donald Trump is to end the international institutions that somehow level the playing field. They want America first.”

“So, does the UN not want him,” the reporter asked, to which he replied, “I mean, we are terrified. They’re terrified.” Paoletti also stated that “absolutely nobody wants Trump.” Paoletti said the United Nations “is the closest we’ve ever got to kind of like a world government” or “a world state.”

The reporter asked whether globalism was one of the goals of the UN, to which he replied, “absolutely,” later adding, “It’s to create a space for also the creation of a consciousness of a species, of a planet, of an identity as a planet. One of the objectives of the UN is to create an identity of a global citizen,” of “someone who shares an identity, a political identity with everybody on this planet.”

The undercover reporter asked if it was known that this was a goal of the UN, to which Paoletti replied that it was, adding, “And I get it, that is annoying for people that are ultranationalists.” He said that this was a “threat to the absolute power of the United States.” Asked to elaborate, Paoletti said, “Because they don’t want an institution over the US telling the US what to do.”

Paoletti also stated during the undercover video that the US accounts for 27 percent of the UN’s budget, which is more than any country “by a long stretch.” He said that “a United Nations without the action of the United States backing it up is not going to be effective,” noting that “the United Nations does not have its own army,” but “absolutely” should.

Noting the large share of the UN budget that the US accounts for, Paoletti said, “for example, say the United Nations creates an environmental agency and that environmental agency says that countries can only reach a certain level of pollution. How do you think all these crazy MAGA people are gonna react to that? ‘Who are you globalists to tell me, the United States, what I can do?’”

During the undercover conversation, Paoletti also spoke on ways for regional international organizations such as the Organization of American States can go after Trump if he wins a second term. “There are many instances of human rights in which skillful lawyers can take cases, in case Trump decides to go completely rogue.”

One instance is the United Nations, but another instance that I think would work even better is the Organization of American States. It’s a regional international organization. Its member states are only in the Americas, so they generally deal with regional matters. The thing is, they have a very good human rights tribunal system, and the United States is part of that human rights system too. So, you can bring cases against the United States to that system. That is one way to go.”

Paoletti also revealed that the United Nations rarely achieves the “main goal of this institution,” saying in response to the questions as to whether the UN is useless now, “For 95 percent of issues related to international peace and security, yes.”