Urgent message about Black Lives Matter

Dear Reader,

As I sat down to write this, news came across the national wire that a major high profile activist voice for Black Lives Matters is floating yet another radical agenda that “it’s time for anything resembling white Jesus to be taken out of the public squares of America.” Shaun King tweeted out, “All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus and his European mother and their white friends should come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy created as a tool of oppression and racist propaganda. They should all come down.”

Yes, I have no doubt in physical form Yeshua looked like the young Jewish rabbi of his day and that he was a man of the Middle East in form and appearance, not a blue-eyed European of fair complexion. His look is not as important in this equation as is the depth of depravity behind the removal of his presence from the public squares in America; the removal of God, the Judeo-Christian God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on whom America was founded. Taking God from America’s life and culture—the real end game on the march to Marxism—is an essential goal that is supercharging the BLM Movement as they hide behind the shield of racism as a front. So many naïve Americans of every color and age are being used as puppets to drive an agenda whose real goals and purposes of “global take-over” they don’t even comprehend. The very real agenda of civil rights for Black Americans is being hijacked.

With the statues of southern civil war icons laying in ruins all over America, true figures of national importance such as former presidents George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, explorer Ponce De Leon, and the composer of our National Anthem Francis Scott Key have not escaped the ravages of carnage. New York City is removing President Theodore Roosevelt from the long-held prestigious spot at the Museum of Natural History which the Roosevelt fortunes helped build. Are the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore safe? With Jewish schools and synagogues the target of vandalism and destruction in LA and across the nation and world, both Christians and Jews are now officially red bulls-eye targets of the anarchy at hand. Ironically with the streets of Detroit exploding, the monstrously grotesque satanic statue of the occult god Baphomet was given safe sanctuary, proving that even in the midst of utter destruction, evil respects its own property.

We are facing the tragic crossroads of losing Americaits history and its futureThey are coming for both the Saturday and Sunday people in an attempt to wipe God off the face of our national consciousness.

This was not a “suddenly” but a well-crafted plan set out by America’s enemies decades ago. It began—as I have been warning consistently—with the seeds planted in America’s educational system and with a plan to re-write history books, to teach children false narratives funded by foreign interests, to take away American values and with it any hope that we were growing young patriots and future leaders. The evil fruit that these seeds produced is a “sheep mentality” generation of Americans with little or scant knowledge of our nation’s history who will take to the streets in droves to deny every American value for the promise of “social justice” and a nebulous utopia that critical thinking—and the reading of history—tells us will never exist. It’s a shame that our children never read history and to our despair, seem now on a crash course to relive itsworst inhumanities.

PJTN has been sounding the alarm on this impending moment for over two decades. Yes, we have made progress with the battles against the biggest perpetrators of anti-American,antisemitic content in America’s textbooks—Pearson Publishing—who was forced to retract content due to the loud whistleblowing efforts of PJTN. We’ve succeeded in getting Common Core exposed for the globalist agenda of “disinformation and dumbing down” with which it has corrupted our educational system. We have compiled exhaustive research to lend to other organizations and deliver to the Dept of Education. We must re-double every effort and stand ready to march against every force of hell.

I will be calling on you in the days ahead with new strategies that we must all implement to turn the tide in America. We must not relinquish our children—those in the streets and those who we still have hope of keeping out of the streets. This summer is a crucial time to take a stand—all Christians, Jews and people of conscience must unite with a single voice to quell the mobs and the violence. It is a time when the “Watchmen on the Wall” have never had a bigger role to accept.  

At PJTN, we are finalizing a streaming platform to make hundreds of hours of original PJTN digital media content available to you for as little as $20/month or $240 annually. Currently, our award-winning program Focus On Israel is free to view until the end of July as an introduction of a teaching series we can recommend for your children and family. 

Please consider joining us at $20 per month as a PJTN Watchman and invite your friends and family to become involved. If you are already a Watchman, please consider a special summer gift to help underwrite the massive work at hand. We cannot bear this tremendous load without hands of assistance.


Thank you for your prayers for America…and for your voice not being silent in the days ahead.
