WAKE UP !!!!!!

A Perspective On Current Events


I have been wondering for weeks, whether I should write this or not, but the insanity has reached a stage, where one just cannot continue watching people praising Government’s for destroying everything around us.
One has to wonder what is happening here. How could it be possible that sober, intelligent people all over the world, have suddenly lost their capacity to think, question, analyse and even do simple mathematics.
The same people praising the Government now, were, just a few weeks ago before the lockdown, still moaning and groaning about how useless and corrupt their Government is. Strange how those corrupt fools suddenly became praiseworthy angels from Heaven. It confounds the mind. The corrupt, selfish, greedy fools are now being praised and commended for killing the economy, that will leave millions jobless, thanks to brainwashed sheeple, who never learned to question anything, screaming, “we’re all going to die”.

By the time most people awaken from their “Coronophobic” trance, it will be too late, because all 7 billion inhabitants of this planet could, in future, be force vaccinated by Bill Gates, possibly along with a tracking implant, that would also serve as an identification and certification of vaccination.
It does not really matter what happens from here onwards, because the powers that be, have already achieved more than what is needed to finish what they began, which is to collapse, reset the world economy, to equalise everyone, and make them dependent upon the State or upon the banks and big corporations that own and control the State. The world is now in a depression and it will be much, much worse than the great depression of 1929.

Welcome to the “new normal”, under the new world order and the imminent One World Government, probably to be headed by Bill, the vaccine pusher, at the gates of hell, supported and praised for it by 80% of the world’s zombified population.

So how did this happen?

It is not the facts and the realities of events or situations that dictate people’s response and behaviour, it is people’s perceptions of it, that determine their reactions, behaviours and ultimately, the outcome.
Whoever controls or manipulates those perceptions, controls and finally determines the outcome and of course, “Whoever controls the media – controls the mind” (Jim Morrison).

The expression “The Big Lie”, actually originated from Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book, ‘Mein Kampf’, about the use of a lie so “colossal”, that no one would believe that someone, “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously”.

It is claimed that Joseph Goebbels wrote the following; “If you tell a lie big enough, and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Repetition is used widely in the media, advertising, politics and wherever persuasion is required, because by simply repeating a message or lie, its persuasive effect is increased dramatically.

Research has proven that the more we hear something, the more we believe it, the more validity we give to it and, “unless contrary information is acquired”, the more persuaded we are by it. Also, the easier the message is to understand, the more it is adopted by the subconscious as truth, even when the person making the statement, is lying. Psychologists call it, “the illusion of truth”.

Once the lie becomes generally accepted, {popular} public opinion, it develops a life of its own. Particularly if the lie contains an element of fear, any dissent is viewed as a threat to society. It is at this point that not even highly respected true experts on the subject, let alone political leaders, dare to express any opposing views on the entrenched narrative. The lie has now become the truth and actual truth gets labelled as “dissent”, even punishable by law. “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth, is a revolutionary act” (George Orwell).

Main stream science is almost 100% dependent on funding and you cannot be funded and independent at the same time. “He who makes the rain, controls the game” (Dan Lok). For the right amount of funding and personal gain, mainstream science can validate or invalidate and will support, or oppose anything their funders demand. The CIA made up the term, “CONSPIRACY THEORIST” after the JFK assassination, to discredit the “TRUTH SEEKERS”, who said that what the public was told, was nothing but a big lie.

The term, “conspiracy theorist” has been weaponised to discredit anyone who questions any popular or public opinion or generally accepted narrative. Particularly in politics, there is no such thing as coincidence, nothing happens spontaneously or by chance. Everything is well planned, organised and orchestrated. President Bush warned about a disease such as this, back in 2006 already, Bill the vaccine pusher, at the gates of hell, warned about this back in 2015 already, Dr Fauci predicted in 2017, that “a surprise outbreak of a massive disease, would strike during this, (THE TRUMP) administration and it was pre-empted by a Netflix movie called, “CONTAGION” in 2019. Also remember the ID 2020, simulated practice run in 2019.

If the purpose of, “THE BIG LIE”, is to create a distraction from something much bigger to be done behind the scenes, one needs to get rid of all other possible distractions, opposing views and supress all opposing views.

So, let us go back to Hitler and Goebbels and break this down; First you need a massive scare, like a mysterious, unknown killer disease. Scenes get distributed, of seemingly healthy asymptomatic people suddenly dying in the streets, scenes of dead people lying in buildings, streets, parks and all over. They would not need to repeat this anywhere else, because they know that people would soon forget about the sudden death scare. Show how a large city is forced to bring in the military, to lock down everyone, welding the entrances and exits of buildings closed to imprison thousands of people inside, to prevent this “mysterious killer disease”, from escaping and spreading.

Drive massive fear into people by telling them that 30 million people could die, 2,2 million people in America, 500 000 in the UK, 150 000 in Australis and so forth.

Now, get rid of any and all distractions. Sport is the all time biggest, most passionate distraction in the world, so shut down sport immediately, because they need to retain everyone’s focus on the “killer distraction”.

Repeat the message of the fearful distraction as often as possible, flood the media, including social media with it. Place a banner about the disease at the top of every web page possible, at the top of every U-Tube video, have it on radio and television all day long. Occupy their minds with it and do not let up. Occupy people’s minds completely, to the exclusion of everything else. The only thing people should be focused on, should be the horrific, deadly, fearful, “killer” distraction, created by the elite.

Now, block all possible dissent and opposing views by gagging all health care professionals, real scientists and true experts, from expressing their educated views in public. Make it a punishable offence for them to do so. Videos are censored, removed, web sights and channels get blocked and removed to block out any dissent or opposing views. The only narrative allowed, should be the narrative created by the elite and the media they control. Further to this, the public should be allowed the freedom, on social media, to drive each other crazy with rumours, without any health professionals or experts intervening and setting the record straight.

Now turn them against each other, “Divide and Rule”. Every right that we have ever lost, was because of the unaffected citizens supporting and praising the Government for stealing the rights of those affected by it.

How do Governments achieve this?

Their “Divide and Rule” strategy was perfected a long time ago, with the so called ‘fight against tobacco”. Most people actually believe the myth that the “fight against tobacco”, is because their Government cares about them and their health. It has nothing to do with your beloved Government caring about you, or your health. No one cares about you, because you are neither that important nor that valuable. The only value you have, are the taxes you pay into their pockets, so that they could enrich themselves with it and use the rest to control and enslave you even more. The only other possible value you have, is as expendable cannon fodder in mandatory military conscription.

The truth is, that tobacco and alcohol are the Pharmaceutical Industry’s biggest competition by far, nothing competes in that respect. After decades of failing to kill the tobacco industry, big Pharma’s marketing departments came up with a brilliant idea, turn the non-smokers against the smokers by telling them that 2nd hand tobacco smoke is more dangerous than actual smoking. By convincing non-smokers that 2nd hand tobacco smoke is more dangerous than actual smoking, even children were turned against their parents, because of their smoking habits. Suddenly, your dad who smoked, became your enemy, because he supposedly posed a dangerous threat to your precious life!

You cannot judge people for their behaviour under circumstances where they are made to believe that their lives are in imminent danger. A person whose life is in imminent danger, has broad latitude to do what is necessary to save his own life. They created the threat and they offered the solution, the cure. What followed was that those unaffected by the right, the non-smokers, cheered, praised and supported Governments in stealing the rights of smokers, to save and protect themselves from the threat to their own precious lives.

The same tactic has since been deployed in every other “battle”. In the fight against the right to own and bear firearms, the legal gun owners are painted as being a danger and a threat to those who do not own firearms. In South Africa, those who do not own property, support the Government in confiscating the properties of those who legally own property, because property owners are painted as land thieves and rich criminals.

While non-smokers praised Government to steal the rights of smokers, they sang another tune when the same Government came for their guns, because now they themselves, were affected. When those who praised Government for stealing the rights of smokers and gun owners, were themselves, faced by Government wanting to steal their properties, they became the affected. So, every right ever lost, was because of the unaffected supporting the Government against the affected and in every case, the Government gained more power and the citizens lost more rights.

The cause of most human suffering is not “attachment”, as Buddha suggested, but “self-pity”. Because of their self-pity, people have become so accustomed to giving away personal rights in the face of any perceived threat to their own lives, “we’re all gong to die”, that when the Government’s came with lockdowns, they immediately agreed to it and those who do not abide by the lockdown rules, those who dissent and offer educated opposing views, are viewed as a dangerous threat to their own safety. Like Hitler repeatedly said, the Government is doing it because “it is for your own safety” ……….

In the meantime, the destruction also offers opportunities for other agendas. Former White House Chief of Staff, and Chicago mayor, Rham Emmanuel, {also known as Barrack H. Obama’s, “get shit done” guy}, famously said; “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Observe what is happening. The ANC is using this opportunity to get rid of white owned businesses by forcing them to shut down, while financially supporting only black owned businesses. China and their partners, are using this opportunity to buy countries, buy businesses, including mines and mineral rights land, at bargain prices. By the time this is all over, if ever, China and the ANC elite will own most of the current privately owned businesses and properties all while we are being distracted.