When I, Clem Boyd, was in Israel at the beginning of December, I was struck by many things – the sadness and cruelty of the October 7 attacks, the resilience and solidarity of the Jewish people, the resounding hope. But one other subtheme – bomb shelters. Bomb shelters are a regular, unspectacular part of Israeli life. Bomb shelters populate communities in the south, safe rooms are the norm in homes and apartments, and even bus stops double as bomb shelters.
Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry has made the provision of bomb shelters one of its regular and constant activities. Over the last 10 years, they have paid for, built and installed 74 shelters, and purchased medicycles, ambulances and other life-saving equipment.
To learn more about what this amazing American organization is doing to help protect and support the Jewish people half a world away in the Holy Land email Clem Boyd at [email protected] !